VAALCO Energy Inc., (NYSE: EGY), is a small oil production company with annual revenues (2005) of $85 million. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EGY". VAALCO has a 30% interest in the 750,000 acre (3,000 kmĀ²) Etame Marin Block offshore Gabon, West Africa. Oil production from this property is the company's primary source of revenue.
Current members of the board of directors of VAALCO include: Robert L. Gerry III (CEO), Robert H. Allen, William S. Farish, O. Donaldson Chapoton, Luigi P. Caflisch, Arne R. Nielsen, and W. Russell Scheirman.
VAALCO Energy claims to abide by laws both local and national, and also coincides with the International Finance Corporation environmental guidelines.1 On April 19th, 2002, VAALCO signed a loan agreement with the International Finance Corporation. The agreement was to comply with certain limits and regulations on air emission levels, waste guidelines, and spill cleanup policies.1 (1 EdgarOnline: 3/8/2006